“The underdeveloped manager”
(Nederlandse versie niet beschikbaar) What to do about managers that are not high enough on the score board to get into the management development programmes? Don’t they need to develop their leadership skills? Don’t they WANT to develop their skills? … Vervolgd
Procesverandering is ook een veranderproces
“Het advies is gegeven dus het is duidelijk wat er moet gebeuren, maar waarom gebeurt het dan toch niet?” Een vraag die consultants niet zouden hoeven horen en die opdrachtgevers niet zouden hoeven stellen. Toch laat prestatieverbetering na een procesoptimalisatie … Vervolgd
Two concepts that make human life comfortable yet unsustainable
Observing animal behaviour (and plants and other organisms for that matter) one encounters some fundamental differences in their organisations compared to human societies. No other species demonstrates comparable social systems on a global scale. They all tend to be locally … Vervolgd
When is water at its best?
We make use of water in thousands of ways, from drinking to transportation and flushing toilets. Yet, it always seems to be a fight to keep it working. Why do artificial systems require maintenance and natural systems don’t? Looking closer … Vervolgd
Learning from the organisation of animals – from swarm to loner.
We don’t often think about the organisational structures in the animal kingdom – at least if we don’t happen to be a biologist. But fact is, that we as humans belong to the very same kingdom that all other animals … Vervolgd
The Fibonacci sequence – organic mathematics?
The Fibonacci sequence is a numerical sequence starting at 0 or 1, with the next number being the sum of the preceding two numbers. Counting that down gives you 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 etc. … Vervolgd
Biomimicry, the art of natural design
Biomimicry: The study of nature’s design is basically the only legal and free of charge form of industrial espionage. I love it! The world’s oldest R&D institution with about 3.8 billion years of experience has the most sophisticated store of … Vervolgd
Circularity principles
Stromatolites are possibly the oldest form of living organism that can still be found alive. The picture was taken at one of the few locations where they still exist, in Western Australia. How they come to feature in the context … Vervolgd
Day and Night cycle
We used to follow the cycles of day and night… …but the conquering of fire, and in particular electric lighting, enabled us to stay active at night. This is at first sight a gift from heaven, as we see in … Vervolgd
Lack of labour will kill our welfare
published: talkinbusiness.nl | September 17, 2013 The very thing that brought us prosperity – our labour – has become the most undervalued resource of our economy. Even worse, it has become its most costly part and therefore the first button … Vervolgd